Oh hello there! 👋
I'm Ree Denson.
The Crazy Decisions Mission: Help & support digital creators to make "crazy" decisions and supercharge their business 🚀 (and life) with as much ease, simplicity, and fun as possible. 💥
This page has everything I currently offer for free and paid, all in one convenient location.
It is being constantly updated and is ever-evolving. So, check back often to see what else has popped up. 🌱
Category Quick Link Directory
All the things that I can sell, but I am
gifting them to you for free! 😊
From Idea to Launch: 12 Point Checklist for Building Your Online Business
From Idea to Launch: 12 Point Checklist for Building Your Online Business is a no-fluff, "just the facts", video course covering the need-to-know 12 different points in getting your business from just a hazy thought in your brain to actually launching the dang thing.
PLR Road Trip Activity Book Templates - 3 Versions
Your customers will love having a road trip activity book to keep boredom at bay while on the road.
You will love having a starting point for any of these planners.
These templates was designed in Canva using only FREE elements and is ready for your personalized touch!
Old-School Biz Hacks
Old School Biz Hacks is a 4-module written course designed to help digital creators and online business owners master timeless customer service techniques and implement 5 foundational business habits.
Through step-by-step guidance, you'll gain the confidence to apply proven strategies to your modern business and watch it thrive.
Coaching/Consulting Calls
Need some personalized help?
Book a 1-on-1 session with me today.
Multiple options available 💻
60-Minute Crazy Decision Making Strategy Call
Are you trying (and struggling) to make a decision that seems crazy to everyone around you, but feel like you are lacking a strategy of how to take practical steps towards the insane goal that your crazy decision is attached too? Then the Crazy Decision Making Strategy call is the perfect way to get on track and make progress!
✔️One Private 60-Minute Strategy Call with Ree through Zoom
✔️Pre-Call Assessment Survey (part of booking form) to clarify your decision and intentions so we can hit the ground running and maximize our time together
60-Minute Mindset Mastery Call
"Whether think you can or you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford
The Mindset Mastery call is a 1-on-1, 60-Minute Zoom call with Ree where we will create a custom list of affirmations that speak the most to you so that you can start rewiring your brain.
✔️One Private 60-Minute Call with Ree through Zoom
✔️Pre-Call Assessment Survey
(part of booking form) to clarify loved affirmations used in the past so we can hit the ground running and maximize our time together
60-Minute Productivity Reboot Call
You never seem to have enough time and the time you do have keeps slipping through your fingers.
Let's fill those time holes or stop the time wasters, so you can reboot your
productivity through this 1-in-1, 60-minute Zoom call with Ree.
✔️One Private 60-Minute Call
with Ree through Zoom
✔️Pre-Call Assessment Survey
(part of booking form) to clarify your productivity & time management concerns so we can hit the ground running and maximize our time together
60-Minute Talk it Out with Ree Call
Let me your cheerleader because an online business and following your crazy ideas can be a lonely road.
✔️One Private 60-Minute Strategy Call with Ree through Zoom
✔️Pre-Call Assessment Survey (part of booking form) to clarify your what you are currently facing in your business so we can hit the ground running and maximize our time together
60-Minute Ask Ree Anything Call
Get answers to all of your burning questions in an exclusive 1-on-1 session.
* Questions need to be related to specific business & life topics - see booking form *
✔️One Private 60-Minute Call with Ree through Zoom
✔️Pre-Call Assessment Survey
(part of booking form) so we can hit the ground running and maximize our time together
60-Minute Borrow Ree's Brain Call
Borrow my brain for a different perspective on one minor business problem
* Minor business problems need to be related to specific topics - see booking form *
✔️One Private 60-Minute Call
with Ree through Zoom
✔️Pre-Call Assessment Survey
(part of booking form) to clarify your one minor business problem so we can hit the ground running and maximize our time together
60-Minute Digital Product Brainstorming Call
This 1-on-1 Zoom call with Ree will help you come up with your first or next digital product idea based on your unique business.
Plus, once you have settled on an idea, we will create a quick-start plan to get you moving and taking action. 💥
✔️One Private 60-Minute Strategy Call with Ree through Zoom
✔️Pre-Call Assessment Survey (part of booking form) so we can hit the ground running and maximize our time together
60-Minute Help You Create Call
Sometimes you just need a helping
hand when it comes to digital product creation. Whether that is in the
idea phase, the planning phase, or knowing how to actually use Canva to
start creating whatever it is you need to get done.
This is a 1-on-1 coaching/consulting Zoom call with Ree where I will help create whatever it is you need.
✔️One Private 60-Minute Call with Ree through Zoom
✔️Pre-Call Assessment Survey
(part of booking form) to clarify where you need help creating in your digital product creation, so we can hit the ground running and maximize our time together
Deep Dive Day Call
A half-day coaching/consulting call where will do a deep dive into your goals for the next quarter (3 months) and make a strategic plan.
✔️A 3-hour Private Coaching/Consulting Session with Ree
through Zoom. We meet for 90 minutes, take a 15-minute break, then meet for another 90 minutes.
✔️Pre-Call Assessment Survey
(part of booking form) to clarify your goals so we can hit the ground running and maximize our time together
Ree's Demo Reel
A 4 minute and 42 second video about who I am, who I help, and how do they gain results/outcomes
The everything page is the brainchild of Elizabeth Goddard. (affiliate link)
Interested in building your own everything page? That link will take you to the course all about creating your own. 💥
There may be affiliate links on this page which means I may receive a commission if you purchase something through the links, at no extra cost to you. However, please be know that I only recommend products I have personally used and love!
© 2024 Crazy Decisions | All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Crank up the Crazy, Dial Down the Doubt