The CRAZY Manifestoℒ️

I am a dreamer. I am a visionary. I am a creator.

I keep putting one one foot in front of the other.

I am creating the business that will work for me even when doubt starts creeping in.

When doubt starts creeping in, I remember that there is someone who needs me.

They need my voice, my printable offerings, my unique perspective on the world.

I can tackle any obstacle in my way. I am not afraid to ask for help when I need it.

I don't shy away from my uniqueness. I let it be a beacon for my customers and my people.

I deserve to live an abundantly full life. One full of laughter and peace.

A life full of financial stability. A life of my dreams.

I want a different life for myself and my family than the ones I see all around me.

I crave flexibility with my time.

I crave money and time freedom.

I am willing to work for this ideal life. I am willing to challenge my fears and change my beliefs so I no longer stand in my own way.

I believe in kindness not only towards everyone around me, but towards myself as well.

I believe in the power of the phrase a rising tide lifts all boats and I put collaboration over competition.

I know I'm not perfect and that's okay.

I learn from my mistakes, they contain valuable lessons and then I move on. I strive for progress every day.

I have huge aspirations and even bigger dreams that seem crazy to everyone around me.

I embrace my crazy. I embrace being crazy.

I am a crazy decision maker.

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Crank up the Crazy, Dial Down the Doubt